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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Team Torres Challenge Groups

I probably tried to make this video about... 67 times. It's my first Youtube upload as a coach. It's also my first blog entry, I'm no longer a "blogger virgin"
So, yay me! I really felt the need to tell my team what I feel, and that's that they are doing awesome. The fact that they find the time to do their workout every day is just admirable. Most people have busy schedules. And that can be a very easy type of excuse. Don't just use it to get out of exercising. It's hard in the beginning but you will see results. The time is now. Every day is Monday in my blog!

Happy Tuesday!! (I really mean Happy Monday!)

If you took the time to read this, please leave me a comment with your opinions and what you'd like me to talk about in future posts. I take requests! That's pretty awesome I think.

Oh, by the way I actually counted my attempts to the video. 67 is no random number. No one is perfect, I choked 66 times.

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