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Saturday, September 27, 2014

T25 Alpha! 5 weeks later...

It's been 5 weeks since I started T25 with a few people in my team. Having a workout friend, buddy, partner, is so much better than doing it alone when you first start. I am so happy with my results I want to share it with others, especially those who are thinking about starting T25.

So here we go: 5 weeks of Cardio, Speed 1.0, Total Body Circuit, Lower focus & Abs...

I know... my faces are not so encouraging
So I hope this helps if you're trying to find real results, from genuine people, this is it. I did try to eat as healthy as possible but went off the wagon almost every weekend at least 1 day. If you'd like me to help you start T25 or any program just click my pic on the upper right where it says "coach Luciana"

I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

Start working towards your goal today! Happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Braces at 28... oh yes I did.

Here's the new me:

I got braces today. I'm 28 years old and I decided it was time to get my teeth straightened.

I've known I wanted Invisalign (the invisible type of braces) for years now, probably since they first came out.

I have just had such fear, (phobia in my opinion) of going to the dentist. I cried every single time I went. For a cleaning? Cried. For a check up? Cried. I don't remember if I had any bad experiences with dentists when I was a child, but I developed this fear of laying in that chair with a bright light on my face and gloves and tools all over my view of that roof.

 After talking to my grandma one day about how scared I was about getting my wisdom molars extracted, she said: "Lucy, c'mon now. You're a big girl. You have to go." Straightforward and wise, that's my grandma.

Well friends, that was pretty much what made me go to the dentist. I had to grow up and quit avoiding it. So... I went, I got all 4 wisdom molars out, I cried like a baby, and got over it. Was it THAT bad? Um, YES. For me it was the worst experience ever. Way worse than having a 9 lb. 3 oz. baby naturally and without an Epidural.

But that moment of knowing that you overcame that fear feels so darn good. I was brave enough to get it done and that feels awesome.

Ok, back to my braces. I found out I couldn't get Invisilign because they would not be effective on me. I was ready to say "Thanks, have a good day" and leave. But I stayed and decided to go with metal ones. Metal. On my teeth for 2 years. As I was laying on that chair, I kept praying to God that he takes my anxiety and fear away, and repeating to myself: "kids do this, kids and teens sit here and get this done. You can too."
I was still scared. But I pushed through. And why not have hot pink little rubber bands on them too, instead of clear or white? I say go big or go home.
I was scared to see my teeth, but I guess they don't look that bad after all. My mother and my husband said I look beautiful, so I chose to believe them.

Later I had to go pick up an order from Pier 1. As I walked in the store, all I could think of was "I have to tell them I'm here to pick up my order..." but I didn't want to open my mouth to speak! I wished I could communicate by sign language instead.

 In that moment, it clicked. Fear is coming and I'm going to kick it out of my mind. I was going to embrace my braces instead of hiding them. I smiled at everyone and yes, they looked at my teeth instantly. It's not common to see grown ups with braces. But I have decided to improve my life in ALL ways, and help others do so too, and that includes being more confident in myself. If you're reading this and you know you're not confident when it comes to your smile, don't think about it. Act on it, no matter what age. Just don't try to eat a cold sandwich 3 hours later because it WILL hurt! A lot. 

It's never too late to make a positive change in your life. Start today, it's Monday on my blog.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eating healthier

I was trying to find a "before picture" for my Beachbody website... and I came across this one:
I am caught eating cake. You may think, it's not that bad. But for me it was. I was not looking to improve myself. I was too comfortable to do anything about it. I just ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. After realizing I didn't fit in 80% of my clothes I decided I was going to do something about it. So I started watching what I ate. I lost some weight and ended up like this:
Still not bad, but not good enough for me as you can see in my non-smiley face. I started drinking Shakeology every morning and doing T25 and 20 days later... bam!
I love sharing this with y'all because I feel like it may help you to see real, true, actual testimonials from normal people. I'm real, I'm honest, and I'm ready to help you. Eating healthy is the BEST option for losing weight. There are no magic pills, and if there are, you will gain it all back and then some. We need to start eating REAL foods. I'm a vegetarian, but for the rest of the world, start making better choices: lean meats without antibiotics and hormones, less dairy, more fruits and vegetables, whole grains... less stuff coming out of a box. Let's give the best example possible to our friends and family by eating healthier. I can't emphasize it enough. Being active is a plus. It's the organic cherry on top. It starts with you. Start today, it's Monday on my blog. ;)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fall Challenge is here!!!

We will get fit for the Holidays, instead of after the holidays. I used to be guilty of this too... wait until January 1st to have my new years' resolution be something like: "to get fit" or "to lose weight". Well... let me just say that there is no better time than right now. If no medical problems are stopping you from exercising, then why wait?

Starting October 1st gives you 3 full months (some workouts are only 1 or 2 months long) to lose weight or get toned, so when 2015 comes, it's going to be a new year and a new you. I enjoy doing something good for my health and my body. I want to help others jump-start their new lifestyle. So if you're not sure and you'd like to come over to our Team Torres fit club and try 1 day of Insanity, Focus T25, PiYo, 21 day fix or P90X3 let me know and we can make it happen.

Even if you just want to start jogging, or going to the gym, I'd like you to be in my private accountability and support group on Facebook so we can encourage you, keep track of your progress and check in daily.

I hope y'all have a great weekend! Happy Monday! (If you're new to my blog, it's always Monday here. So start working towards your goal today!)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Team Torres Challenge Groups

I probably tried to make this video about... 67 times. It's my first Youtube upload as a coach. It's also my first blog entry, I'm no longer a "blogger virgin"
So, yay me! I really felt the need to tell my team what I feel, and that's that they are doing awesome. The fact that they find the time to do their workout every day is just admirable. Most people have busy schedules. And that can be a very easy type of excuse. Don't just use it to get out of exercising. It's hard in the beginning but you will see results. The time is now. Every day is Monday in my blog!

Happy Tuesday!! (I really mean Happy Monday!)

If you took the time to read this, please leave me a comment with your opinions and what you'd like me to talk about in future posts. I take requests! That's pretty awesome I think.

Oh, by the way I actually counted my attempts to the video. 67 is no random number. No one is perfect, I choked 66 times.